Emerging Pest Alert

Ceratitis capitata detected in Chile

Scientific Name: Ceratitis capitata

Describer: Wiedemann

Common Name: Mediterranean fruit fly

Title: Ceratitis capitata detected in Chile


Issues of Concern: A report from March 2018 noted that C. capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), was detected in traps during routine fruit fly monitoring in Los Andes, Chile (SAG, 2018). Phytosanitary measures are being taken in an effort to eradicate the pest.

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata is a highly polyphagous insect that causes significant damage on agricultural crops by piercing fruit skin to lay eggs. The resulting larvae feed inside the fruit and vegetable pulp, which renders them unfit to eat (Liquido et al., 1991; Yuval and Hendrichs, 1999). This feeding behavior has a high economic impact, affecting production, control costs, and market access (Hendrichs, 1996).


Hendrichs, J. 1996. Action Programs Against fruit Flies of Economic Importance: Session Overview. Pages 513-519. In: McPheron, B. A. and G. J. Steck (eds.). Fruit Fly Pests: A world assessment of their biology and management. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, Florida.

Liquido, N. J., L. A. Shinoda, and R. T. Cunningham. 1991. Host plants of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Diptera Tephritidae: An annotated world review. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America (77): 1-52.

SAG. 2018. SAG detecta en forma oportuna mosca de la fruta en la comuna de Los Andes. Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG). March 12, 2018.  http://www.sag.gob.cl/noticias/sag-detecta-en-forma-oportuna-mosca-de-la-fruta-en-la-comuna-de-los-andes.

Yuval, B. and J. Hendrichs. 1999. Behavior of flies in the genus Ceratitis (Dacinae: Ceratitidini). Pages 429-457. In: Aluja, M. and A. L. Norrbom (eds.). Fruit Flies (Tephritidae) Phylogeny and Evolution of Behavior. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida.